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Hypnotherapy Specialty Programs

Kids & Teens
Maternal Health
Empaths & HSPS
Cancer Support
Chronic Conditions
Kids & Teens
Maternal Health
Empaths & HSPs
Cancer Support
Chronic Conditions

Kids and Teens

Learning hypnosis is a game changer for kids, and they are REALLY good at it!

  • Stress Relief

Fun, easy-to-learn training for children and teens to de-stress and build confidence in daily life activities.

  • A Natural Tool for Anxiety

We all have a creative subconscious mind - that can work to our advantage (play, imagination, sports, art, music, envisioning goals) or disadvantage (worries, nightmares, unhelpful memories).  Hypnotherapy is a non-pharmacological method helping kids combat anxiety from within.  Pain relief and Gut-directed hypnotherapy can be easily adapted for kids, too.

  • Habits

Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRB), such as nail biting, hair pulling, skin picking, are typically impulsive, automatic behaviors. Hypnotherapy works at the level of the subconscious mind and provides nervous system retraining to help a child extinguish an unwanted behavior, and refocus on a positive or neutral alternative.

Three-Session Hypnotherapy Program for Kids & Teens 

Cost:  $300

*Focused on one specific goal.  Cally may recommend additional sessions when therapeutically necessary

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Maternal Health

Clinical hypnotherapy sessions support women in their motherhood journey, in various ways:

  • Stress relief while trying to conceive or during fertility treatment
  • Prenatal emotional support to help a pregnant woman tap into her own self-care needs at home and work
  • Calm and resilient childbirth preparation to learn easy-to-use self-hypnotic techniques for pregnancy and childbirth
  • Releasing fears around childbirth or birth trauma from previous deliveries or stories of other women’s difficult experiences
  • Connecting with baby through breath, gentle meditative movement, and guided hand placements
  • Post-partum “spa hypnotherapy” - a deeply relaxing and pampering session for new mothers
  • Post-partum life balance to check-in with your role as mother and how that fits amidst your other roles and goals in life


Single-Session Hypnotherapy for Maternal Health

Cost:  $150

→ Time is a precious resource for moms, especially in the early years. Cally will honor the reduced rate of $150 per session for pregnant women and moms of children age 2 and under.  

→ You decide whether to book a single session to get some much needed “me-time” or a series of sessions to work towards a specific goal.

→ Even a single session, about six weeks before the due date, is a valuable asset in helping pregnant women tap into their inner resources before welcoming their baby into the world.

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Empaths and Highly Sensitive People (HSP)

  • Session 1: Self-hypnosis 101, Peaceful place for centering and grounding

  • Session 2: Visualizing your Aura - or energy field - to cleanse, repair, and protect
  • Session 3: Releasing limiting beliefs, embracing inner strength and sensitivity

Three-Session Hypnotherapy Program for Empaths and HSPs

Cost:  $450

→ You will learn how to do self-hypnosis, and your consistent, playful ability to go into the self-hypnotic state sets you up for greater success.

→ Each session is scheduled 2 weeks apart, and audio recorded for reinforcement at home.”

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Cancer Support

Hypnotherapy helps clients stay calm and strong before, during, and after cancer treatment.  Added to cancer care, hypnotherapy offers low-cost and side effect-free treatment for:

  • Improving tolerance of procedures and treatments, such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy
  • Relieving symptoms and side effects, such as nausea and fatigue
  • Reducing pain perception
  • Improving various types of emotional distress associated with cancer diagnosis and treatment
  • Easing anxiety and empowering clients to re-imagine life post-treatment
  • Connecting each client to what is important to them - values, roles, and life goals

Single-Session Hypnotherapy for Cancer Support

Cost:  $150

*Discounted fee of $150 (reg. $200) will be processed during appointment

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Chronic Conditions

Chronic conditions are patterns… and patterns can shift and change.

Hypnotherapy works directly with the client’s potential for neuroplasticity. Using powerful words, imagery, and metaphors, hypnotherapy soothes and rewires the nervous system.  Programs include:

  • Gut-directed hypnotherapy, for conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Hypnotherapy for chronic pain or functional neurological disorders  
  • Hypnotherapy for autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis (MS)

Three-Session Hypnotherapy Program for Chronic Conditions 

Cost:  $450

→ Invest in 3 sessions of hypnotherapy for a specific condition, to gain personalized audio recordings, self-management tools, and experience a lasting decrease in symptoms.

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Separation Anxiety Relief

"My daughter had severe separation anxiety at school. It was a horrible experience every single day. Since getting the hypnosis done, life is amazing. She has gone to school every single day without an issue, she's happy, her school work is better. Cally is AMAZING she is so sweet and has the most calming voice.”


 Supplemental Healing

"Cally helped me mentally and emotionally prepare for a major surgery in my battle against cancer. Hypnosis was incredibly grounding for me, helping me to find peace and calm as I prepared to embark on a part of my cancer journey that filled me with anxiety and fear. I highly recommend hypnosis as a supplemental healing therapy to anyone dealing with physical or emotional challenges!"




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